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1435 North Oak Street
Calistoga, CA 94515

(707) 942-2278

ceramic workshops

Decorating with GOld Luster & Decals

with Natalie Carpello

WHEN: Friday May 10th 2024, 5:00pm - 7:00pm

COST: $35 includes materials.

There’s nothing like shiny gold luster or a beautiful decal image to make your ceramic pieces pop! Learn techniques and tricks on how to use decal images, as well as how to safely apply luster on your ceramic wares. 

Luster and decals will be provided. Bring N95 masks or a respirator mask if you have to help provided some safety against luster fumes.

Pay using paypal portal or email to save a spot and pay with cash or check friday. Click:

Natalie Carpello is a metal sculpture and ceramic artist based in Northern CA. She creates a diverse range of artworks inspired by the beauty of the Napa Valley.

Natalie was born in Southern California. She received a fine arts degree with dual emphasis in sculpture and textiles from San Francisco State University. In 2016, Natalie moved to the Napa Valley to focus on creating art. She incorporates multiple mediums in her artwork, including blacksmithing and welding, ceramic sculpture, embroidery, crochet, and sewing. She is currently creating functional ceramics and mixed-media sculptures.

Natalie is an Artist in Residence at the Calistoga Art Center.

Email for more information or to pay another way: